Carrera Analog 1/32 Race Sets

Carrera analog slot car sets and track systems work by controlling car speed with variable voltage on the rails. All the cars on the same rails will receive the same voltage and cannot be controlled independently. The power base simply connects power to each rail via the variable resistor in each hand-controller. The electricity to the car flows through the hand-controller. The cars have a "guide blade", a small keel, near the front that sits in the slot when the car is on the track. This keel follows the slot to guide and steer the car around a racing circuit. With analog slot car sets, the main concern is your car and your track: maintaining the car's balance as you find the perfect braking point and the best way to bring back the throttle out of the corner. While you may be wary of a car in the adjacent lane, the main attention is on your own car and the track.

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(image for) Carrera 25245 Evolution Flames and Fame Set

Carrera 25245 Evolution Flames and Fame Set

Item no.: 25245 Scale of track: 1:24 Scale of cars: 1:32 Dimensions when assembled: 7.21 x 4.59 ft. Electric slot car track’s length: 17.38 ft....

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(image for) Carrera 25248 Evolution NASCAR Darlington Showdown Set

Carrera 25248 Evolution NASCAR Darlington Showdown Set

Item no.: 25248 Scale of track: 1:24 Scale of cars: 1:32 Dimensions when assembled: 7.12 x 4.56 ft. Electric slot car track’s length: 17.38 ft....

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