Thunderslot Motors & Mounts

ThunderSlot CLW001 Cut Silicon Lead Wires & Brass eyelets x10 each

ThunderSlot CLW002 Cut Silicon Lead Wires & Brass eyelets x10 each

ThunderSlot FIXK001 Motor Pods (x4) and Torx Screws (x5)

ThunderSlot FIXK002 Motor Pods (x3) and Torx Screws (x3)

ThunderSlot LW001 Silicon Lead Wires 1m Length

ThunderSlot MTMACH21DS Motor Mach 21500 rpm @12 volts 175g/cm

ThunderSlot MTS001B Motor Mount Sidewinder Standard

ThunderSlot MTS001G Motor Mount Sidewinder Hard

ThunderSlot MTS001S Motor Mount Sidewinder Stiff

ThunderSlot MTS002B Motor Mount Anglewinder Standard

ThunderSlot MTS002G Motor Mount Anglewinder Hard

ThunderSlot MTS002S Motor Mount Anglewinder Stiff

ThunderSlot OR1001 Special Rubber 0-Ring 1.5mm x10

ThunderSlot SSK005 Foam Washers for Motor Mount/Chassis x10

ThunderSlot SSK007/H Suspension Springs Hard x10

ThunderSlot SSK007/MS Suspension Springs Meduim Short x10

ThunderSlot SSK007/S Suspension Springs Soft x10

ThunderSlot SUSK004 Complete Sponge Suspension Kit

ThunderSlot SUSK005/H Complete Suspension Kit Hard

ThunderSlot SUSK005/MS Complete Suspension Kit Medium Short

ThunderSlot SUSK005/S Complete Suspension Kit Soft
New Products For March - Slot Car Spare Parts